Stable School method on international RECOMS conference „Spaces for Possibility Confex“
Marius Rommel and Alina Reinartz present the jointly developed Stable School method at the international RECOMS conference „Spaces for Possibility Confex“.
Recent articles and publication history of nascent on ResearchGate
The nascent project page on the online platform ResearchGate offers the possibility to view and follow the work of the research project. In addition, it invites professional exchange.
Open access article: The economic principle of small units
A publication by Niko Paech, Marius Rommel, Irene Antoni-Komar and Dirk Posse about relisilience through community-based supply structures examining the example of CSA (community-supported agriculture).
Neue Publikation: Food System Transformations
„Food System Transformations Social Movements, Local Economies, Collaborative Networks“ von Cordula Kropp, Irene Antoni-Komar & Colin Sage.